Telephone Advice
Receive expert support and tailored advice whenever you need it.
You can refer any queries to our HR and employment law expert who is on hand to talk you through the ‘dos’ and ‘dont's’ of employment issues. We will help you devise a strategy to correctly resolve problems, and also expalin the financial and legal risks of getting it wrong.
This support includes drafting correspondence on your behalf, such as informal warning letters, disciplinary warning letters, correspondence relating to unauthorised absence to name but a few.
We have a drafted numerous letters and emails, many of which have been scrutinized by Employment Tribunals and found to be entirely correct for the circumstances.
In several cases a concise written evaluation of the reason for dismissal has led to Claimants being advised either not to proceed with a claim to an Employment Tribunal or to settle for a nominal sum.
Whether you need honest professional advice on strategy, documentation or specific cases, you’ll benefit from personal support from the same, dedicated contact.
We offer ongoing telephone support on a full range of HR, employment law and employee relations matters, including:
Company reorganisation
Policy development
Absence Management
Managing dismissals
Investigations into allegations of gross misconduct
Grievance and disciplinary hearings
Reward and recognition
Compliance and legal obligations
As part of the service, we also offer emergency support out of office hours where required.